Monday 14 March 2016

LO2 and LO3 Retake: Task 6 - Presentation

My strengths of this were the Art side of things, because i am a fairly good designer and handled the art in my opinion really well and actually looked pretty good, especially for the amount of time we had to complete this. I chose images that i thought were appropriate for me to do and simple so that i could extend it in my own way to make it better and more detailed. I found the art the easiest to do out of everything. Overall i think my app and loading screen turned out very well.

My weaknesses:
My weaknesses were that when i had to put the loading screen into an app on Photoshop, i struggled to find the right tools to actually put my loading screen inside the app so that it looked like a general, normal app that i made. Eventually i did figure this out but it most definitely was the thing i struggled with the most and was very time  consuming. I also had some struggle sticking to the schedule because i was falling behind of where i should of been at some points but at other stages i was going to quick, so maybe i should of thought about my schedule a bit more at the time of planning that.

I think my overall product achieved the overall aim and turned out really, and in my opinion ticked the success criteria.

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